(Article 1) Scope of Application
- Accommodation agreements and any other agreements made by the hotel is subject to the Accomodation Agreement written herein, and decision on matters not specified herein will be based on related laws and regulations or common practices.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of preceding clause, special agreements may take precedence as far as it does not violate laws , regulations and common practices.
(Article 2) Rejection of an Accomodation Agreement
The hotel may reject to provide accommodation service for following situations:
- The application fails to comply the Accomodation Agreement.
- No rooms are available due to full capacity.
- The person intending to stay is suspected of violating laws, public order and good public morals.
- The person intending to stay is clearly considered to have infectious disease.
- The hotel acknowledges the special burden for an accommodation.
- The person intending to stay cannot be accommodated due to natural disaster, facility failure or inevitable reasons.
- When the provision of Article 10 in the Hotel Business Law issued by Kyoto prefecture is applicable.
(Article 3) Collecting your Personal Information
When proceeding your booking in advance, we may collect and process the following personal information about you.
- Your name, gender, nationality, and occupation
- Other information that we may find particulary necessary
(Article 4) Deposit
- We may request you to pay an advance depsit (maximum: your accommodation fee) with deadlines to hold your reservation.
- If your condition applies to any of the cases below, the deposit will result in forfeiture, and the remaining will be returned.
(Article 5) Cancellation Policy
- When making booking changes or cancellations, we may request from you the following charges:
Cancellation fee when you completely cancel your reservation

[Cancellation policy for consecutive nights]
- If you make a reservation for consecutive nights and cancel all accommodation dates at the same time, you will be charged a cancellation fee based on "1. Cancellation rate" for each accommodation day.
- If you make a reservation for consecutive nights and cancel some of the accommodation dates at the same time, you will be charged a cancellation fee based on "1. Cancellation rate" for each accommodation day.
- If you do not show up without contacting us before 7pm on your arrival day (or 2 hours after your arrival time that was set in advance), we may regard this as a cancellation.
- If the case is due to cancellation/delay of public transportations, such as trains and airplanes or accidents due to negligence with a proof, we will not request you to pay the penalty fee (1).
(Article 6) Cancellation Policy
- In addition to what is provided, cancellation is allowed when the reason applies to following cases:
(1) When the case applies to Article 2 Section 3 Clause 7.
(2) When you have not given us a response of the Article 3, Clause 1 by the deadline.
(3) When deposit (Article 4, Clause 1) was not paid by the deadline. - When your reservation is cancelled based on our policy and we have collected a deposit, we will return after deducting the handling fee.
(Article 7) Accommodation Application
On your arrival day, please fill the following information at the main entrance:
(1) Article 3, Section 1
(2) [For foreigners] your passport number and the date you arrived in Japan
(3) Departure date and time
(4) Other information that we find necessary
(Article 8) Check-Out Time
- Please be aware that the check-out time is 10am.
- Only in some cases, we allow customers to stay after the check-out time with an additional fee.
(Article 9) Dining Time
We provide meals in the following period:
(1) Breakfast: 7am-8:30am
(2) Dinner: 5:30pm-7:30pm
(Article 10) Payment Policy
- Breakdown of expenses is shown in Graph 3.
- For payment, we accept cash, traveler’s cheque (the ones we accept), coupon, and credit cards at your arrival time or departure. In addition, please pay telephone bill, drink fee, and charges on other orders when we request you the payment. We do not accept personal cheques.
- Although you do not stay voluntarily after checking-in, please be aware that you will be charged the accommodation fee.
Graph 3: Calculation Method of Accommodation Fee
- Standard accommodation fee will be the price when you made the reservation.
- Child fee applies to those who are below elementary school age. If we serve meals and beddings, the same as adults, 70% will be charged, and 50% for children’s meal and beddings that is same as adults. ¥3,340 for only beddings, ¥2,160 for only breakfast, and ¥3,240 for only dinner. There is no charge for children if you do not need beddings and meals.
(Article 11) Compliance with Regulations
Please be aware that you must follow our regulations inside of our facility.
(Article 12) Rejection of Accommodation
In the following cases, we may reject your accommodation during your stay:
(1) When the case applies to the Article 2, Section 3, Clause 7.
(2) When you do not follow our regulations.
(Article 13) Responsibility
- We are responsible from the time of your check-in to the time of check-out.
- We are not responsible for any troubles caused by disregarding our regulation.
- When unable to provide a contracted guest room, due to a natural disaster, etc., we will arrange accommodation with the same or similar conditions elsewhere for you. In this case, we will not charge you for your accommodation during your stay including the first day.
(Article 14) When Unable to Provide Contracted Rooms
- If we happen to be unable to provide the contracted room, we will therefore arrange another accommodation that is similar as possible to the previously contracted room with your consent.
(Article 15) Handling of Deposit Articles
- In case of loss, breakage or other damage caused to the goods, cash or valuables you deposited at the front desk (except in case of force majeure), we shall offer a compensation. However, concerning cash and valuables, if you fail to report the value when asked to do so, we shall only compensate within the limits of 200,000 yen.
- In case of loss, breakage or other damage caused through intention or negligence from our services to the goods, cash or valuables you brought into the premises of the Hotel, but not deposited at the front desk, we shall offer a compensation. However, for articles of which the kind and value has not been reported in advance, we shall compensate within the limits of 100,000 yen (except if loss, breakage or other damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence on our side).
(Article 16) Custody of Baggage and/or Belongings of the Guest管
- When your baggage is delivered into the Hotel before your arrival, we shall be liable to keep it only if the request has been agreed in advance. The baggage shall be brought to you at the front desk at the time of your check-in.
- When baggage or belongings is found left after your check-out, we shall ask you for instructions. When no instructions are given or when the ownership is not confirmed, we shall keep the article for 7 days including the day it is found. After this period, we shall turn it over to the nearest police station.
- In addition to what is specified in the preceding two paragraphs, our Hotel’s liability in regard to the custody your baggage or belongings shall be assumed in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article in the case of Paragraph 1, and with the provisions of Paragraph 2.
(Article 17) Guest’s Liability
- The Guest shall compensate the Hotel for any damage caused through intention or negligence from his/her part.